About us

New Mills Allotment & Gardening Society manages two allotment sites in New Mills in the High Peak, Derbyshire.

Hard work this allotment business! Clearing the site, planning the patch, getting a shed up and organising a water source…. there is a lot to manage. But, oh the rewards!

Our site off Ollersett Avenue was opened in 2005 with 31 plots and our site at Hague Bar was opened in 2010 with 23 plots.  Our Hague Bar site also has a polytunnel with 12 small plots available to members.

We have a waiting list for both allotment sites so please contact the waiting list secretary via the contact page if you wish to add your name. Plots will be allocated fairly when they become available.  (You do not have to join the society to join the waiting list but you may wish to enjoy the benefits of membership in support of your gardening activities.)

Membership of our society is open to any local resident who loves gardening and we are interested in hearing from any inexperienced gardeners who wish to develop their skills and grow their own vegetables.
Membership is currently £5 a year in addition to rental of an allotment plot which is £30 for the 2019 season.

The society also participates in the National Allotment Society seed scheme to enable members to buy seeds more cheaply than from a garden centre or seed supplier.

Benefits of membership include the opportunity:

  • To network with other gardeners,
  • To participate in the seed purchasing scheme
  • To receive information about events and resources supportive of gardening
  • To promote gardening as a healthy living activity,
  • To rent an allotment on the sites.

We are a self-help society and all the work of the society is done by members voluntarily.  This work includes routine maintenance work on the communal areas of each site such as grass and hedge cutting, occasional site maintenance work as required and all the administrative tasks associated with running the society and managing the plot tenancies.  Attendance at the quarterly meetings enables any member to contribute to the decisions made by the society.  We encourage all members to make a contribution in some way to the work of the society and the management of the sites.

For more information please contact the secretary or to join the society, the membership secretary via the contact page.  To view the society’s constitution
click here

Members who rent an allotment plot sign a tenancy agreement that has a number of conditions to enable safe gardening and consideration for other members.  To view the information about the plot tenancy agreement and the polytunnel tenancy agreement click here

Each site has Public Liability insurance.  The society is also insured for members and volunteers who are working on general site maintenance but  is NOT insured for members who are working on their own plots.

The society inspects members’ plots twice a year to ensure that plots are well cultivated and kept in good condition.  For details about plot inspections click here and to view a sample plot inspection form click here.

The society acknowledges funding support from North Derbyshire Voluntary Action, Derbyshire Community Foundation, the Healthy Living Network, New Mills Town Council, Derbyshire County Council and the Big Lottery Fund – Awards for All for development work on the sites.